To successfully navigate the MBA admissions process, business school applicants must tell a compelling and comprehensive story that highlights their notable attributes and achievements. One important tool candidates can use to significantly enhance that story is social media—via outlets such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. However, these same online resources can just as easily detract from one’s candidacy if not properly managed. As the admissions committees become ever more savvy about using social media in their applicant evaluations, knowing how to optimize these outlets while minimize any detracting elements is crucial.
To help you do just that, we offer Managing Your Social Media Presence for MBA Admissions, which presents actionable advice on managing your social media presence before you submit your MBA applications. For example, our primer provides the following:
- Insight into the how MBA admissions committees view and use social media
- Tips on researching and engaging with your target schools using social media
- A checklist for cleaning up your social media presence and removing any red flags
- Best practices for creating an “online brand” that complements and enhances your application and demonstrates your unique interests
- Advice on how social media can help your career beyond the admissions process
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